How to Protect Glass Top Stove from Cast Iron Cookware

Glass stovetops are naturally tempting since they are sleek, and contemporary-looking and many people believe they are simpler to operate. They are more labor-intensive than conventional coil tops, though. In this article, we are going to know How to Protect Glass Top stove from Cast Iron.

Cast iron cookware is not advised for use with glass top stoves, I’ll say it out loud.

Cast iron cookware can damage, discolor, or scrape your glass top oven despite its reputation for being sturdy and dependable. It’s a really good question, and you need to pay attention to it.

You’re in luck since there are a couple of solutions, and this post will go through those today. To learn how to shield a glass top stove from cast iron, continue reading.

How to Protect Glass Top Stove from Cast Iron

How to Protect Glass Top Stove from Cast Iron

The concepts of managing cookware near glass top stoves will cover before we get into the intricacies of safeguarding your glass top stove from cast iron cookware.

If you insist on utilizing cast iron cookware, you must adhere to these procedures regularly throughout the duration of the glass top stove.

Clean before heating

It is crucial to wash your cast iron cookware (skillet/pan) completely before you start cooking with it. This is owing to the fact that residue that adheres to the bottom of your cookware (such as oil) has the propensity to carbonize when applied heat.

This causes a black stain to appear on the glass stovetop, which is definitely not what you want for your gleaming glass stove. Another thing to keep in mind is to remove the cookware as soon as you are through cooking—really, don’t wait. Don’t forget to clean up the stove’s glass top as well.

Continue to Warm the Cookware

Cast iron cookware can take a bit longer to heat up than it would on a gas burner since electric glass cooktops take a little longer to warm up.

You will need to cook somewhat longer when using cast iron cookware in the end. This implies that you should warm the cookware to a moderate temperature, to begin with, then gradually raise it to medium or medium-high.

This will make it possible to distribute heat evenly and let you cook the manner you want to in order to get the required outcomes.

Exercise Caution to Avoid Dropping or Sliding Cookware on the Stovetop

If cast iron cookware isn’t heavy, it has no value. Additionally, the substance can be quite abrasive on your glass-top stove.

Because of this, it’s crucial to use caution while handling cast iron cookware next to your glass-top stove. You must be extremely careful not to drop it or, even worse, slide the cookware over the stovetop.

If the cookware you’re touching is really hot, a situation like this is likely to occur. Oven mitts to recommend for working with cookware close to a glass cooktop. This is particularly significant when it comes to cast-iron variations.

Preventing Damage by Using a Heat Diffuser

This is a common method for protecting your glass top stove from damage caused by cast iron cookware. However, what exactly is a heat diffuser?

It basically does what it claims. It is a little appliance that, when put on the stove, diffuses the heat and disperses it evenly throughout the pan’s bottom. As a result, it serves as a sort of barrier between the burner and the cookware.

Therefore, heat diffusers are ideal for shielding your glass cooktop from hefty and abrasive cast iron cookware. The good news is that they are generally accessible at most kitchenware and homeware specialty stores as well as hardware shops.

Cookware with rough or chipped edges, in particular, calls for extra care.

A diffuser should use by placing it over an element and then covering it with cast iron cookware or any other type of cookware in general. Then, heat it at medium-high.

You run the danger of harming the stove’s surface and heating element if you utilize a temperature that is too high.

There are no more details to add. There are a few cautions that also remembered, though:

Cast iron skillets are heavy, thus there is a chance that their weight will cause the diffuser to move. Exercise caution to prevent this; carefully lift and position everything.

Finally, always keep in mind that a diffuser should never be heated on a burner without cookware. For the best results, the cookware must also load with food.

Keeping Your Glass Top Stove Scratch-Free

In general, keep in mind the following while using cast iron cookware on a glass-top stove:

Prepare Yourself to Be Cautious

Although it will take some time, doing this is extremely required. Cast iron cookware must be handled with extreme caution whenever it is being lifted or positioned.

Steer clear of cookware with rounded bottoms

Pans with flat bottoms are considerably preferable since they are more stable. They are less likely to sustain scratches if they are unintentionally moved.

Deal with spills immediately

Any spill must be cleaned up as soon as possible by wiping down the glass top stove.

Cool the Cookware Elsewhere

In essence, this implies that as soon as the cookware has finished cooking your food for you, you must remove it. A wire cooling rack on the stove is useful.


As you can see, using cast iron with a glass top stove is not entirely difficult. You may prevent damage to your glass top stove by adhering to the above-mentioned rules. And read our full articles on How to Protect Glass Top Stove from Cast Iron.

Even if you use the highest caution, it is a tough practice, therefore you cannot be held responsible if you make a mistake. Therefore, refraining from using cast iron cookware with glass top stoves is the best long-term option.


Can glass top stoves be used with Lodge cast iron cookware?

Yes! In order to prevent scratching or residue from being left behind even on a glass-top stove, Lodge, a reputable brand of cast iron cookware, has built its cookware in this manner. Because they offer an easy cleanup alternative to your typical gas or electric range and are highly energy efficient, glass top stoves have grown in popularity recently.

Can I use a magic eraser on my stovetop with a glass top?

This is not advised if the magic eraser makes of melamine foam since it will harm your cooktop. If handled carefully, an eraser that is only washable or silicone can be utilized.

Can you use an electric stove to cook in a WOK?

Sure! The power or wattage of your range determines how simple it is to cook in a wok on an electric burner. Because of the higher available wattage, using your wok at any setting won’t cause it to overheat if you have 2200 watts available. However, if you are unclear of the wattage your range delivers, simply keep in mind that cooking at a high temperature will probably result in burned food; therefore, keep those settings low whenever you can.